TimeSheet1.com Online personnel timesheet service
A leading online timesheet service provider since 1998...
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©Copyright 1998-2012 World Anthem Technologies, Inc.

Security and Privacy with TimeSheet1.com

World Anthem Technologies, Inc. is committed to providing the highest level of security and privacy available to protect your company's information. This includes taking the following measures:

Databases and Applications
Each customer is set up with an individual, private database. Your information is never stored with anyone else's. In addition, we provide a separate, password protected login page for each customer. Users can easily change their passwords on a regular basis. Only users with system administrator rights may change another user's password. Your data is backed up on a daily basis, and servers are monitored 24-hours a day in a locked, limited access data center.

Data Encryption
As a TimeSheet1.com customer, we encrypt application data that the server and your browser exchange with 128 bit high encryption provided by XRamp Security Services, Inc. XRamp issues servers a unique Secure Server ID, assuring visitors of a Web site's authenticity and allowing communications to be encrypted for privacy. Based on the "public/private key" encryption model, XRamp Secure Server IDs provide the strongest security available today.

Personal Information
World Anthem Technologies, Inc. does not divulge or sell any information regarding your company, your employees, demographics, usage trends, size, etc. We will not advertise any product or service to you in your use of TimeSheet1.com. You can be certain that the relationship you have with us is strictly confidential and professional.

If you have any questions regarding security or privacy of the TimeSheet1.com system, you may contact us at: security@timesheet1.com